Monday, December 30, 2019
Stop lying to yourself. The truth will change your life
Stop lying to yourself. The truth will change your lifeStop lying to yourself. The truth will change your lifeYoure not a social media star.Youre not a Linked in Influencer.Youre not the best in your industry. Whatever your industry is.Youre not the leading voice on ______ Youre not crushing it in your entrepreneurial start-up-unternehmen venture. Heck, you may not even know exactly what a start-up is.Youre not a rock star. Dave Grohl is a rock star. Youre not. Trust me.Youre not nearly as bad as you think you are. Youre not the worst ever. But youre also not nearly as good as you think you are at whatever youre doing.Youre not destined to keep going on whatever foolish decision you may have made, as if youre eternally damned to never change course and turnaround.You are never, ever doomed because of one simple mistake. You must turn the page and begin anew.Youre not lazy. Youre just living on old ideas. Hit the Refresh button and start again.Your biggest Win will not define your li fe. It will lead you to your next bigger Win.Begin by telling yourself the truth. Tell yourself the truth in your personal relationships, your career, your thought life and in your fruchtwein important relationship - the one you have with yourself. This is where the greatest, most fantastical and dangerous lies are told. Make a shift. Start telling the truth. Level-up and eliminate the B.S.Honesty is paramount and its always where you need to begin for both your success, happiness and self-esteem. Confidence comes from trusting yourself, which is different from faith. But confidence also come from believing in yourself, by having faith that what youve already done will help you build to what youre doing now - to what you will do in your future.Your past, present and future are connected by your thought life this means your opinion of yourself and the dealing of the facts at hand to tell yourself and others the truth about you. This is as certain as how you comport yourself in publ ic, as it is in the way you handle yourself when no one is looking. Thats called character. And your character will always define you.Whether you realize it or not.Invest in building your character. Every. Day. Tell the truth. Stop lying and thinking that youre going to achieve your parents ideal vision of who they want you to be. Stop lying and thinking that youre going to achieve some B.S. vision of what you think will make you happy. Let your heart lead you on that one. Let your intuition sniff out the B.S. It always does.Stop lying to yourself about some job that you perceive society will care about, but you truly couldnt give a damn about. Stop lying about your strengths, weaknesses and even your doubts.If you start by doubting yourself, how can you ever truly believe you will do anything? You have to believe and have vision, which leads to clarity, which enables you to keep creating the mental architecture you will need to position the pieces in your life in such a way that wi ll bring you joy and satisfaction.If youve never truly given things your best effort, then stop lying to yourself and saying that you gave it your best shot. Where has that gotten you? Further down the long road of excuses.Begin now. Begin giving things the best effort you can NOW. Begin giving things the clearest, crispest thought you can NOW.Experience. What is it? Its a baseline. Its an account of what youve done, but by no means does it have to define your future. By no means does your experience dictate that you have to continue trudging forward from whatever mile marker youre at in your mind. Take the good. Learn from the bad. Ditch the unnecessary baggage. And then decide where you really are on the journey.So many of us get on a path and start going along, letting our experiences dictate the terms for our lives. We dont actively choose what we truly want, but rather we compromise based on the choices at hand with the directionless way were moving. We tell ourselves the lie. We tell others the lie. Then, we begrudgingly and often unknowingly live it. We bury the truth.Dont compromise with your life. Never compromise with the big picture. You will need to compromise in personal relationships. You will need to compromise in your business relationships. Sometimes in your business decisions or ventures. But you should never, ever compromise and settle for a path that your intuition is telling you is a road to nowhere.Give some thought to where you are right now in your career, entrepreneurial venture, education, relationships and thought life. Are you making your career your own? Are you making the most of whatever situation you find yourself in? Please, stop lying and thinking that youre biding time in some meaningless stretch, thinking that your big break is suddenly going to come.It never works that way. Big breaks come for those who seek the truth and make the most of the moment at hand.You may be making decisions that arent in line with your values. Yo u may be in desperate need of a course correction. You may be on an upward trajectory, but it may fit the paradigm of some other person or entitys framework, not your own. Thats worse than moving backwards. Better to know youre not moving forward, then to think you are but only find yourself slipping.Move forward armed with the truth.No one will ever care about your success, well-being, goals, dreams and values as much as you. Which is why the earliest shift you need to make in your life and career is to operate from a position of clarity and purpose. This means that you define what you want. You plan for what you want. You commit and dedicate yourself to what that is and you enforce its action with consistency and repetition.Stop living someone elses life. Stop thinking someone elses thoughts. Stop measuring other peoples success against your lack thereof. It only leads to envy, anger and confusion.Stop living in mental and emotional purgatory because of failures, other peoples opi nions or perceptions of you, or because youve made your biggest mistake - thinking youre not good enough. Youre absolutely good enough. You very well may already have the ideas or plan. You just need to begin with newfound purpose.Come to peace with the greatest reality of all You control your thoughts and actions EVERY DAY. You control the way you think about yourself and you are always empowered to do what you want to do. You can ALWAYS change your course. You can do anything you want within reason. It takes time and effort. Deep thought and shifts in attitude. Its possible and its real.And thats no lie.Seek the truthJoin my newsletterandcheck out my book,The Value of You. This will give youinspirationto start planning for success on your journey.This article first appeared on Medium.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Lease Amending Agreement FAQ - United States
Lease Amending Agreement FAQ - United StatesLease Amending Agreement FAQ - United StatesWhat is the governing law of my Lease Amending Agreement?The governing law will be the jurisdiction in which the leased premises is located, regardless of which jurisdictions the Tenant and Landlord reside.How many times can I amend a lease using a Lease Amending Agreement?Our contract allows you to make amendments to a lease on 5 separate occasions. If additional amendments are needed after the 5th amendment, then an entirely new lease should be executed with the five amendments consolidated into the new agreement. How many amendments can I make to the lease within a single Lease Amending Agreement?Our contract allows you to make up to 5 changes to existing terms of the lease. If you have more than 5 amendments to make, you should create a new lease rather than amending the existing one.Can I add completely new clauses to the lease?Yes, you can use the Additional Terms section of the questions pa ge to create new lease terms that were not contained in the lease originally.If the Landlord and Tenant execute a Lease Amending Agreement, do the terms of the original lease still apply?Absolutely, all of the original lease terms still apply, except to the extent they have been amended by the Lease Amending Agreement.Can I amend the lease without the Landlord or Tenants consent?No, the lease is a legal contract between a Landlord and Tenant that cannot be altered unilaterally, i.e., by only one cocktailparty to the contract. Our Lease Amending Agreement contains spaces for the Landlord and Tenant to acknowledge their consent to the amendment by signing their names.I do not know when the Lease Amending Agreement will be signed. Can I fill in the date later?Yes, by selecting Unsure as the date the agreement will be signed, a blank line will be inserted into the contract so that you can write in the correct date after printing the document.
Friday, December 20, 2019
All Great Leaders Know How to Be Positive
All Great Leaders Know How to Be PositiveAll Great Leaders Know How to Be PositiveLeaders are positive out of necessity. They have to be positive if they are going to successfully inspire and motivate their team toward a goal. But great leaders arent born, theyre made. Heres how to make yourself into a truly great leader. Have A Vision One thing that sets leaders apart is that they have a clear vorstellung of what they want to achieve. They have a clear goal in mind and they are committed to getting there. Whether everyone else shares that vision or not, they push forward toward it. They also dont let the fears or doubts of others get in the way of reaching their goal, which theyre always confident about reaching. The business world focuses on teams of talented individuals built by managers who rely on team members to help them reach their goal. Talented leaders find ways to inspire and motivate their team members so that everything is being done for the greater good - the succ ess of the company. Share Your Vision One way leaders can inspire and motive their teams is by sharing their vision. Someone who has a goal, not just an idea, and can communicate that goal to others can build a team that will get them the results they need. In larger part, its by sharing their vision that youre able to demonstrate to the team what they are trying to accomplish (in the broad sense) and why it is important to get there. Successful leaders are always positive that if those around them understand their vision they will support it and help their leader get there. Share Your Excitement When leaders share their vision with their team, they also share their excitement and enthusiasm and the intensity in their voice tell others about this is something to care about. If presenting their vision before a crowd they move around quickly and gesture broadly to convey their enthusiasm so those listening can see their excitement. Instead of telling your team, I think this is a great idea and I think we can get there if we work hard at it, try to say something like, This is such a great plan. By doing these things, we are going to revolutionize this industry. We are going to make something that people will truly value and cant wait to purchase. Its going to take a lot of hard work, but itll be worth it. Enthusiasm Is a Great Motivator The great leaders of the world know that enthusiasm is contagious. As your team members begin to share your excitement theyll also start thinking about what else they can do to help turn the vision into a reality. Time and again we see that they innovate and they dream up new ways to keep moving toward their new goal. Ultimately, the shared enthusiasm results in all involved reaching the goal. Negativity Depletes Excitement If you think about what youre saying to your team (i.e., your actual word choice) you may besurprised. Framing communication in a negative light not only wont motivate people, but it will also demoralize them.It seems okay to say to your team, I am really excited about this new process, but we dont have enough cash flow to implement it..However, you can cut the negativity and continue to build the team excitement if you say instead, Im really excited about this new process, so well have to find a way to find the available funds. Bottom Line Great leaders are always positive because they know that it helps them, and their teams, be more productive and reach their goals. Managers(at every level) will also want to excel by adopting a positive attitude.
Monday, December 16, 2019
FREE Webinar How to Job Search in 2013
FREE Webinar How to Job Search in 2013FREE Webinar How to Job Search in 2013FREE Webinar 2013 State of the Job SearchPresenter Kevin Kermes, Founder and Editor of Career Attraction.Kevin Kermes is career management expert whose advice has been featured by the Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Careers, the Military Times, and other outlets. A reformed headhunter, talent acquisition consultant and former Infantry Offer, Kevin offers insights, advice and hacks to help you get ahead both in career and life.We are thrilled to have Kevin deliver an assessment of the 2013 Job Search landscape EXCLUSIVELY for. Hell provide actionable advice to accelerate your search, while pointing out pitfalls and disturbing trends to avoid.Read Kevins great guest blog post, Cover Letter Writing Perfect the Art.Date and Time Tuesday, April 23rd at 1pm Eastern Time (U.S.)TopicsUnemployment numbers dont tell the real storywhere you need to look and, more importantly, what you can do about itHow conventional wisdom is sabotaging your search by making you a commodity versus a MUST HIRE TODAYWhy most expert advice on using social media is making your search more difficultHow to shift the way you find new jobs so you stand out from the crowd and even create opportunities for yourselfSpace is limited, register for the 2013 State of the Job Search today
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
5 Tips to End Your Long-Term Unemployment
5 Tips to End Your Long-Term Unemployment5 Tips to End Your Long-Term UnemploymentAt first, you tried to find your way through your unemployed status. You thought of all the potential jobs you could apply for, the brand new interview suit youd buy, and how you would learn to write the perfect cover letter. But months have since gone by, and your enthusiasm has waned considerably. In fact, youre downright depressed. If youve been unemployed for quite some time, dont despair. Here are five tips to end your long-term unemployment.Reassess your job search routine.By now, youve probably developed a certain way in which you conduct your job search. But if you havent received any solid job offers in a while, it might be time to take another look at how youre handling your job hunt. Look at where youve had success and where you havent. Maybe you dont hear back from hiring managers after submitting your resume, or you dont get called back after a job interview. Try to find the area that is th e fruchtwein problematic, and look for ways to improve it so you can move on to the next stage of the job search process.Learn to network even if you hate it. Even if you abhor networking, it is typically one of the most effective ways to meet new people, create new connections, and get your foot in at a company, especially if you want to work from home. Networking for remote workers is crucial, so dry clean your interview suit, bring a stack of resumes and business cards, and attend some of the networking events in your area. But attitude is key, though. If you go into the event already checking the clock and holding up the wall, youre wasting your time. Instead, go in with a positive attitude, and focus on making real connections with people. Heres how to network when you hate networking.Find a part-time job. Sure, you want a full-time position, but if all the doors are closed, youll need to find another way in to the company of your choice. One way to achieve this is through part -time work. Not only will working part-time help boost your self-esteem (and give you a paycheck), but it can provide fresh workplace skills and new work experience on your resume. Plus, it gives you the opportunity to network within your organization, making important contacts- and an opportunity to obtain full-time employment.Complete projects. Until you have a firm job offer in hand, looking for a job can feel like an unpleasant, never-ending task. In buchen to feel that much-needed sense of accomplishment, try to tackle projects that you may have put off while you previously had a job. Maybe its as simple as cleaning out the garage or finally backing up your computer. Whatever the task is, make aya that you see it through to completion. Youll feel better about yourself and more motivated about your job search, tooLearn something new. Every day, you click through the job listings, you send in your job applicationand you wait. That routine can get boring pretty quickly. So try to find something new that you can learn. While it can be job-related (such as learning how to write a cover letter that works), its actually better if it has absolutely nothing to do with your job search. Take a pottery class, or learn how to finally perfect your Photoshop skills. Giving your mind a break from the job of hunting for a job (and yes, looking for a job is a job in and of itself) will help to restore your happiness. And you never know you might meet your next boss at your Indian cooking class members save on classes through Skillshare.Long-term unemployment might feel like a curse, but it can actually be a blessing in disguise. Use the time wisely to bone up on skills and finish up projects. Be sure to stay flexible in your job search and consider part-time job opportunities until the position you truly want is offered to you.Readers, are you trying to figure out how to end your long-term unemployment? What have you done to help get yourself through the process? Share you r experiences in the comments section below
Friday, December 6, 2019
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Nursing Resume Objective
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Nursing Resume Objective Try to remember, youre likely to desire a companion cover letter to genuinely increase your odds of landing the interview. It is thus very important to understand how to compose a captivating Objective if you need your resume to get a possibility of getting you the much desired interviews. The more specifically you may relate your experience to the necessities of the open position, the better your odds of scoring an interview. Youll have to apply continuously, even when you get interviews, as its possible that you might not pass the interview stage. Crafting a resume is hard. You may use the skills below. Dont neglect to highlight certain skills you have which are associated with the work description, along with accomplishments youve achieved and tasks youve managed. You must have good communication abilities and patient handling abilities. For your resume, your target is to demonstrate the attribu tes that allow you to get similar to an RN you admire. If youre an experienced nurse, your targets and objectives are very likely to check at bit different. Your personal targets and aspirations would go quite a ways to clarify what kind of placement youre searching for in the nursing profession. Your objective statement ought to be able to show employers that youve got the skills, expertise, and experience they are searching for in the nurse they attempt to hire. When you have nursing experience, be well prepared to highlight it together with details about your strengths and weaknesses. As a nurse, your principal focus ought to be to get experience. For the large part, the nurses personality and character arrive at the forefront whenever somebody describes an incredible nurse. You need to use skills in caring and implement different strategies to help the individual improve from present health condition. If you would like to be a prosperous nurse, you might have to to win t he trust of patients. A registered nurse isnt just one unternehmensverbund some certification but in addition someone, who has many years of knowledge and distinctive expertise. What You Need to Do About Nursing Resume Objective Your new grad Nursing resume objective may most likely be the vital characteristic of your application since it will set the tone for the remainder of your content especially in the way its been formatted. Unlike the recognizable errors like partial info, security is an important issue with offline applications. Savvy resumes are anchored by a comprehensive summary that enables the reader to rapidly find salient details about the applicant. Your nursing career goals are very likely to change through the years. Marc Grandmaison Operations Director Marc is a very experienced, skilled, and talented hospitality professional that has been in the business for over 20 decades. If it was more than five years back, you dont will need to include it. If youve got over three decades of travel experience you do not have to list every assignment. Finding the Best Nursing Resume Objective Our resume builder gives you tips and examples on how best to compose your resume summary. The ideal way to do this is by initiating a conversation via your content. Ultimately, dont neglect to use the web in your job search. New Step by Step Roadmap for Nursing Resume Objective Before you compose an objective, take into consideration the sort of nursing job that you want and the particular job that youre applying for. If you opt to include an objective on your resume, just make certain its related to the job which you are applying for. The existent objective was geared toward the actual job they originally desired. Thus, while writing an effective resume, you must rationalize your abilities and abilities to provide the most effective services, so the employer would discover that its straightforward to relate your profile to the given position. Its great to allow the employer know what it really is youre looking for. Since an employer will probably need to confirm your employment, you will likely be asked for your supervisors name and telephone number. Every employer would like to be aware that the person they are hiring will report to work in time and they always try to find a man whos hardworking and dependable. So, acquiring a wide selection of skills will allow you to nail the job interview. Before leaning to the LPN job you ought to have a crystal clear idea about the necessary skills and occupational hazards. You may not receive every job which you apply for, but a resume thats well written can help you find the best job that is suitable for you.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Why Women Leave Companies 2
Why Women Leave Companies 2There are a lot of misconceptions and contradictory data when it comes to why women leave their jobs. According to Lean Ins 2018 Women in the Workplace Report, very few women surveyed said they were leaving to focus on family, which calls into question one of the most common assumptions about why women leave. However, other sources suggest that women are expected to - and often do - leave their jobs when childcare responsibilities come calling... in no small part due to the fact that their husbands are often making more money (or stand to do so in the long term, if theyre free to work longer hours).Furthermore, research has shown that women in tech are twice as likely to leave as men -- and that most of these departures happen mid-career, when promotions and leadership opportunities are most readily becoming available.So, whats at the heart of the issue? And if attrition doesnt explain the gender gap in corporate leadership, then what does? Were asking you to help us understand.*This survey is currently closed*(function(t,e,s,n)
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Say Farewell When You Are Leaving a Job
How to Say Farewell When You Are Leaving a JobHow to Say Farewell When You Are Leaving a JobYou have lost your job, or youve found a new one, and youre moving on. As you depart, its important to take the time to say farewell to your co-workers. Not only is it courteous to let them know you are leaving (particularly if you work on projects together), but writing farewell notes also allows you to provide them with your contact information so that you can keep in touch. You never know when you might need to ask colleagues to provide you with a reference. By maintaining contact on cordial, mutually supportive terms, you strengthen your professional network and keep the door open for continuing work and social opportunities. The Best Way to Say Farewell Whats the best way to say farewell to your co-workers? Dont send a mass schmelzglas. Instead, send personalized individual emails or homilies via LinkedIn, rather than group messages, so your farewell message is personal. You can use o ne of these sample farewell letters as a model to let colleagues, clients, and your connections know that you are moving on. Dont simply copy and paste one of these samples, however. Youll want to personalize it so that it specifically reflects the business and the personal relationship you have with the recipient. Tips for Saying Farewell to Co-Workers Connect on LinkedIn - Be sure your LinkedIn account includes your email address, not your work address. Then, if youre not already connected with your colleagues on LinkedIn, connect now.Friend on Facebook - When you are friends with your co-workers, make sure youre connected on Facebook, too. Now that youre not working together, the boundaries between work and your personal life are gone, and you will be able to enjoy the camaraderie through social media that many employers restrict their employees from participating in. Say goodbye via LinkedIn or email - send an email message or a LinkedIn message to the co-workers you know we ll, but not necessarily to the entire company.Keep your message brief and to the point. Dont go into details (positive or negative) about why youre leaving. Just let your co-workers know youre leaving, and if youre so inclined, offer to help during the transition.Do mention projects you have worked on together or events you have enjoyed together. This farewell letter is personal rather than formal. Remember to say thank you. Farewell letters are as much about expressing your gratitude to your colleagues as they are about saying good-bye. At some point during your work together, the colleague you are writing to probably collaborated with you on a project or task, offered advice, or provided professional training. Identify a specific example (or two) when you were grateful for their assistance. Thank them for this so that they know you have valued them as your colleague and friend.Include your contact information - including your LinkedIn URL, your email address, and your phone number in your message, so your co-workers can stay in touch. If you would be willing to write professional recommendations for them in the future, then express your willingness to do this should the occasion arise. Take a look at our sample farewell letters to get advice on how to say goodbye. When Youve Been Fired or Laid Off? Even though it may feel awkward if you have been fired or laid off, its still a good idea to let your co-workers know that you are leaving or gone. When employees are laid off or fired, this affects the overall company culture. When you fail to show up for work, your closest colleagues will wonder what is going on. Very few people enjoy sudden changes in their work environment. Your colleagues may fear that their jobs may soon be on the line, and they will also have to personally deal with the transitional stress and headaches that arise when a team member is eliminated or replaced. If you still have internal email access before your final exit, you can use th is to send a briefer email letter to your peers than you might use on LinkedIn or through your email account. Let them know youll be moving on. Ask for job search assistance, if its appropriate, and provide your personal contact information so that they can remain connected to you if they wish.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Customize this Aerospace Quality Engineer Resume
Customize this Aerospace Quality Engineer ResumeCustomize this Aerospace Quality Engineer ResumeUse this Aerospace Quality Engineer Resume Example with Objective, Technical Skills, Duties, Education and Certification to write your own Aerospace Quality Engineer Resume.Create this Resume Rodney Goldsmith 1693 Richards Avenue Stockton, CA 95202 (555)-143-5168 r.goldsmithsampleresume.netJob Objective To be able to work as Aerospace Quality Engineer in a world class organization and share my skills and expertise in aircraft operations to ensure that every flight is safe and fully operational. My endeavor and dedication in the job will be helpful in providing aerospace quality to the company. Technical Skills Competent in aircraft maintenance operations Extensive familiarity with aircraft operations standard safety procedures Highly trained in resolving complicated aircraft maintenance issues Proficient in acquiring a harmonious organization and aerospace quality Extensive working kn owledge in Gas Turbine Engine principles for Aero application Extensive experience in aerospace engineering with Strong familiarity of Quality management principles requirements Expert in Airbus design, operation and implementation Professional ExperienceSr. Aerospace Quality Engineer, January 2009 Present USA High, Carroll, IA Responsibilities Collaborated with customers to resolve their company problems, thus, maintaining harmonious and pleasant relationships with them. Supervised activities concerning evolution, operation and preservation of Quality Management System. Collected and authored training materials and devices and administered training or orientation to new employees. Supervised AS9100 and ISO audits. Designed instructions and processes to ensure quality management systems. Jr. Aerospace Quality Engineer, March 2006 December 2008 Flight Industries, Carroll, IA Responsibilities Maintained required aerospace application operations like hydraulic control valves, door/flight controls, landing gear/cargo turbines and motor drives. Operated an ISO Lab to improve quality standards of aeronautical products. Examined mechanical and electronic glitches or any irregularities based on company standards. Executed SEI-CMM levels to improve the overall quality of aerospace operations. Advised, examined and authorized revisions of industry design and strategy based on customer demands and requirements. EducationM.S. in Aerospace Engineering, 2006 University of Texas, Richardson, TX B.S. in Aerospace Engineering, 2002 University of Texas, Richardson, TX Certifications and Affiliations FAA Certification Association of Aerospace Quality Engineers Customize ResumeMore Sample Engineer ResumesAcquisition Logistics Engineer Resume Advanced Semiconductor Engineer Resume Aerospace Design Engineer Resume Aerospace Quality Engineer Resume Agricultural Engineer Resume
Job Interview Tips for Career Changers 5 Questions to Ask Yourself
Job Interview Tips for Career Changers 5 Questions to Ask YourselfJob Interview Tips for Career Changers 5 Questions to Ask Yourself2If youre switching to a new career, its worth the effort to devote some thought to how you approach job interviews, especially if youre looking at flexible jobs as an option. The interview game is a little different when your resume and your job history might demonstrate experience and an educational background in a totally different area. Brace yourself for some tough questions and be prepared with winning answers.Check out these five job interview tips for career changersBe ready to explain Why.QuestionWhy are your changing careers?Its almost a given that youll get this query from prospective employers. Heres your chance to talk, for example, about why changing careers now is a great opportunity for you tofinallyfollow your passion. Or, it could be that youve been updatingyour skillsto transfer to a new career for a while now and are ready to launch. Whatever the reason, the why question offers a great moment to sell yourself and what you have to offer.Make the past relevant to the future.QuestionHow does your past experience translate to your new career? Think through in advance how all of the skills youve acquired so far will work well in your new career- especially if the interviewers question is about lack of experience. Had a job where multi-tasking was a must? That skill translates across virtually all career areas. Other broadly transferable skills include computer and technology talent, writing and communication experience, and foreign language proficiency.Demonstrate your commitment.QuestionHow do we know this is what you really want to do? The goal here is to find ways to show that your new career path is not just a passing fancy, and youre not just a random job-hopper. Any details you can offer about the length of time youve been pursuing your new direction will bolster your case. Make clear that youre not running awa y from your old career instead, youre building something new and are excited to branch out in a different direction.Explain whats in it for them.Question What do you bring to the table?Do research to show prospective employers that you understand their business sector, know the culture of your new industry, and are adaptable to change- especially if youve been in one career area for a long time.Keep it upbeat.Question Why now?Avoid launching into a litany of reasons detailing how unhappy or dissatisfied you may have been in your last job, or describing any problems you may have had with your old boss or in your previous workplace. Your excitement about your new career path should demonstrate your optimism and show that youre poised for growth.In the market for a new job with flexibility? Check out the top 100 companies with remote jobs.
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