Monday, December 30, 2019

Stop lying to yourself. The truth will change your life

Stop lying to yourself. The truth will change your lifeStop lying to yourself. The truth will change your lifeYoure not a social media star.Youre not a Linked in Influencer.Youre not the best in your industry. Whatever your industry is.Youre not the leading voice on ______ Youre not crushing it in your entrepreneurial start-up-unternehmen venture. Heck, you may not even know exactly what a start-up is.Youre not a rock star. Dave Grohl is a rock star. Youre not. Trust me.Youre not nearly as bad as you think you are. Youre not the worst ever. But youre also not nearly as good as you think you are at whatever youre doing.Youre not destined to keep going on whatever foolish decision you may have made, as if youre eternally damned to never change course and turnaround.You are never, ever doomed because of one simple mistake. You must turn the page and begin anew.Youre not lazy. Youre just living on old ideas. Hit the Refresh button and start again.Your biggest Win will not define your li fe. It will lead you to your next bigger Win.Begin by telling yourself the truth. Tell yourself the truth in your personal relationships, your career, your thought life and in your fruchtwein important relationship - the one you have with yourself. This is where the greatest, most fantastical and dangerous lies are told. Make a shift. Start telling the truth. Level-up and eliminate the B.S.Honesty is paramount and its always where you need to begin for both your success, happiness and self-esteem. Confidence comes from trusting yourself, which is different from faith. But confidence also come from believing in yourself, by having faith that what youve already done will help you build to what youre doing now - to what you will do in your future.Your past, present and future are connected by your thought life this means your opinion of yourself and the dealing of the facts at hand to tell yourself and others the truth about you. This is as certain as how you comport yourself in publ ic, as it is in the way you handle yourself when no one is looking. Thats called character. And your character will always define you.Whether you realize it or not.Invest in building your character. Every. Day. Tell the truth. Stop lying and thinking that youre going to achieve your parents ideal vision of who they want you to be. Stop lying and thinking that youre going to achieve some B.S. vision of what you think will make you happy. Let your heart lead you on that one. Let your intuition sniff out the B.S. It always does.Stop lying to yourself about some job that you perceive society will care about, but you truly couldnt give a damn about. Stop lying about your strengths, weaknesses and even your doubts.If you start by doubting yourself, how can you ever truly believe you will do anything? You have to believe and have vision, which leads to clarity, which enables you to keep creating the mental architecture you will need to position the pieces in your life in such a way that wi ll bring you joy and satisfaction.If youve never truly given things your best effort, then stop lying to yourself and saying that you gave it your best shot. Where has that gotten you? Further down the long road of excuses.Begin now. Begin giving things the best effort you can NOW. Begin giving things the clearest, crispest thought you can NOW.Experience. What is it? Its a baseline. Its an account of what youve done, but by no means does it have to define your future. By no means does your experience dictate that you have to continue trudging forward from whatever mile marker youre at in your mind. Take the good. Learn from the bad. Ditch the unnecessary baggage. And then decide where you really are on the journey.So many of us get on a path and start going along, letting our experiences dictate the terms for our lives. We dont actively choose what we truly want, but rather we compromise based on the choices at hand with the directionless way were moving. We tell ourselves the lie. We tell others the lie. Then, we begrudgingly and often unknowingly live it. We bury the truth.Dont compromise with your life. Never compromise with the big picture. You will need to compromise in personal relationships. You will need to compromise in your business relationships. Sometimes in your business decisions or ventures. But you should never, ever compromise and settle for a path that your intuition is telling you is a road to nowhere.Give some thought to where you are right now in your career, entrepreneurial venture, education, relationships and thought life. Are you making your career your own? Are you making the most of whatever situation you find yourself in? Please, stop lying and thinking that youre biding time in some meaningless stretch, thinking that your big break is suddenly going to come.It never works that way. Big breaks come for those who seek the truth and make the most of the moment at hand.You may be making decisions that arent in line with your values. Yo u may be in desperate need of a course correction. You may be on an upward trajectory, but it may fit the paradigm of some other person or entitys framework, not your own. Thats worse than moving backwards. Better to know youre not moving forward, then to think you are but only find yourself slipping.Move forward armed with the truth.No one will ever care about your success, well-being, goals, dreams and values as much as you. Which is why the earliest shift you need to make in your life and career is to operate from a position of clarity and purpose. This means that you define what you want. You plan for what you want. You commit and dedicate yourself to what that is and you enforce its action with consistency and repetition.Stop living someone elses life. Stop thinking someone elses thoughts. Stop measuring other peoples success against your lack thereof. It only leads to envy, anger and confusion.Stop living in mental and emotional purgatory because of failures, other peoples opi nions or perceptions of you, or because youve made your biggest mistake - thinking youre not good enough. Youre absolutely good enough. You very well may already have the ideas or plan. You just need to begin with newfound purpose.Come to peace with the greatest reality of all You control your thoughts and actions EVERY DAY. You control the way you think about yourself and you are always empowered to do what you want to do. You can ALWAYS change your course. You can do anything you want within reason. It takes time and effort. Deep thought and shifts in attitude. Its possible and its real.And thats no lie.Seek the truthJoin my newsletterandcheck out my book,The Value of You. This will give youinspirationto start planning for success on your journey.This article first appeared on Medium.

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